Privacy policy




Collection and use of personal data from customers, suppliers and other contractors. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the personal data provides by you will be collected and used by us, as it is necessary for the conclusion and implementation of all contracts. This applies to both our (potential) customers and entities from whom we purchase goods and / or services.

If you are our (potential) customer, we will use your data in order to send you an offer, define specifications or requirements for a specific item or service, deliver an item or perform work for you, issue an invoice and communicate with you in an effective and efficient manner regarding the performance of the contract.

If you are a (potential) supplier or other contractor, your personal data is also necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract. In the case of purchases, it is necessary to inform you of the specifications or requests for a specific product or service, to send you inquiries or orders, to pay invoices and to be able to communicate with you in an efficient and effective manner regarding other aspects of the contract.

You are under no obligation to provide us with your personal data. If your personal data is not provided or if your personal data is incomplete, we may not be able to perform the above-mentioned activities.

Disclosure to third parties

In connection with the performance of a possible contract with you, it is possible that we will have to transfer your personal data to entities that provide us with parts, materials and products or perform work on our behalf. We also use internal server space to store (part of) our sales and purchasing administration, which includes your personal data. We also use Microsoft Office and its accompanying devices to store email and other files.

Storage period of personal data

If you request an offer with us, but do not use our services, we will delete your data no later than one year after our last contact. Likewise, if we received an offer from you, but did not use it, your personal data will be deleted no later than one year after our last contact. If you have become our client or we have become your clients, we shall store your personal data for a period of seven years after the end of the financial year in which the contract with you has been fully performed. The seven-year period corresponds to the period in which we are required to keep our records for the Tax Office. After this period, your personal data will be deleted.

User rights

You have the right to access your personal data. If there is a reason for this, you can also ask us to complete your personal data or correct any inaccuracies. In addition, you have the right to request that we delete or limit the use of your personal data. You can also object to the collection and use of your personal data or file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens). You can also request us to obtain your personal data or to pass it on to third parties. In order to exercise your rights, please contact: (name, address, zip code, city, telephone number and e-mail address). You can also contact us if you have any questions or if you would like more information about the collection and use of your personal data.

May 2018
